How to stay safe throughout the year

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Winter weather

  • There are practical things that you can do to prepare for winter weather, which may bring cold, ice, snow, and high winds. Remember that cold weather can start in October.
  • Icy pavements and roads can be very slippery. Take extra care if you go out and wear boots or shoes with a good grip on the soles. Rubber snow/ice grips that attach to outdoor shoes are very effective, or you can use a stick for balance.
  • Consider fitting a grab-rail if you have steps at your front or back door.
  • Speak to your friends, family or your carer if you are feeling under the weather, down or need some practical help. They may be able to help you.
  • Keep some food supplies in a cupboard or freezer in case you can’t go out for a few days.
  • Ask your family, neighbours or friends if they could call or visit you more often if a period of cold weather stops you getting out and about. Keep cold, flu and sore throat remedies in the house.
  • Order repeat prescriptions in plenty of time, particularly if bad weather is forecast.
  • Take up offers of vaccinations for COVID or flu.
  • Have your heating system serviced before winter arrives. If you are struggling with your heating costs speak to your local Citizens Advice, as there maybe be help and support available – Contact us – Citizens Advice

Warm spaces

  • Sometimes these are referred to as warm rooms or hubs, but are a safe, warm and welcoming space within your local community, which people can attend regularly and free of charge to keep warm, enjoy a hot drink and meet new friends.
  • Your local social prescribing service can assist with access to warm spaces and can be accessed through local health and social care teams or your local GP surgery, and you can also self-refer. Further information can be found in ‘Useful contacts for support’.


  • When the weather is hot it is important to increase your daily fluid intake to function effectively and avoid dehydration. You may need to drink about eight cups (two litres) or more of water. If you start to feel dizzy and at risk of falling you may need to drink more water during the day.
  • Stay out of the full sun, particularly on hot days, and wear sun cream and a hat to avoid the risk of sun burn and sunstroke.
  • Wear sun glasses to avoid damaging your eyes.
  • Plan ahead by ordering repeat prescriptions in advance if you are planning to go away.
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